Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is the cloud safer than... earth?

Why the Cloud Is Actually the Safest Place for Your Data

I know that many of you would think I'm crazy if I told you that the cloud could be a safer place to starage your data than your own hard drive. Well... given that even security experts cannot be 100% sure about their computer's security maybe outsourcing it to a major company is a good idea after all.

I know what you are thinking. How can I be sure that they won't use my data for other purposes. Well that's why there are "Terms of Service". Take the time to read them. I fo you don't like it or you think there are parts compromising your data security... then try someone else. If you don't find anyone trustworthy enough... keep it to your hard drive. Hawever, I think the benefits from keeping your data on the cloud are more than keeping them in your place and the risk (especially for common users without security expertise) is not comparable.

As for the data usage from the company that keeps them... for the time being the worst thing I saw happening is using it for targeted advertisement. Personally, I have deveoped the so-called "banner blindness". Ads... it's like they are not there. It has to be something REALLY interesting to catch my attention and I don't think I'm the only banner-blind in the world.

So... what do you think? Cloud or Earth?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Is Google making us lazy?

Keen On… Why Google Is Making Us Fat and Lazy [TCTV]

Is ti really so? Is Google making us lazy? Does it serve us the junk food instead of healthy food? Can we use Google as an example in other industries? Really interesting questions and sceptism about Google's evolution and the impact on our lives.

What do you think? Are you afraid of Google? Do you think it's making you lazy? Do you think it serves you junk food instead of spinach?

Personally, I think the answer is somewhere in the middle and it depends heavily on how you use what Google offers you. You always have to be alert, open minded and well informed. And that's NOT only with Google!

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Literal Web Crowd: Are you part of it?

A Critical Analysis Of The Literal Web Crowd: The Tools You Need To Survive In A Humorous World

This is not a news article. However, I found the analysis of the Literal Web Crowd quite interesting.

We use humour in our real lives for almost everything. It's somenthing you can't live with. You can't socialize without having a certain degree of humour. Humour indicates a certain degree of intelligence in a person. Sarcasm can be a great tool to communicate the most serious messages. Being able though to get the humorous tone in a face to face conversation is easy since there is also body language to support it.

What happens with stauses and comments on social sites is also very similar but without the body language. You can find the most hilarious conversations in comments on a friends status. Being able to get the funny part and built on it is one part of the story and some people just lack the ability to build. Though, getting the whole conversation leterally is even worse. It can lead to situations that you've never imagined and most probably getting literally whatever your friends are writting on their status or comments will get you isolated. Nobody will read your messages, nobody will comment on them and you'll get to a point where you'll have the feeling that nobody gets you! Well... guess what... It's the other way round. So... cheer up... read between the lines... pay attention to the tone (you can feel it even in written messages)... and built on it.

The world will be much more enjoyable this way!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Women in the web.

Why Women Rule The Internet

It has always been about them. No wonder why women rule the internet too!

It's not that they are in leading positions in internet related companies, but they are the main driving force behind consuming. They plan, they organise, they buy, they spend! So why care about men when women do most of the shopping? Adding to this that they are more open to socializing and they can remember more people in their social circles than men... there you are... that's the big player in the social networking sites!

I'm not surprised by the article. It's another real life phenomenon trasfered to the web. Have a window shopping stroll in a mall and count how many windows are about women and about men. Women win. It's common knowledge! Remember those conversations you have with women when they try to remind you of a person you know but forgot. It's remarkable!!! They never forget them! Even if they've just seen them once in their life!

So... I'm not surpised at all, seeing the same thing happening in the web. It's just another sign of how are lives and social activities are being trasfered in a parallel web-based universe. The cyberspace is being built using the same social rules we have in the real world for centuries!

Monday, March 21, 2011

E-book or P-book?

Ebook sales in the US double year-on-year, paper books suffer double-digit losses -- Engadget

It wasn't long ago that I was saying that reading a plain old paper book could never be substituted by ebook reading. Well... I don't know if this is just a trend in US or something that will expand further. One thing I can tell you for sure, is that after giving a try to ebook readers on my mobile device and seeing the ebook reader devices in stores I'm changing my mind. You might not have the feeling of paper but the feeling from reading a good book doesn't change either in paper or in electronic format. The important thing still is the content and that's not going to change ever (I hope).

In addition, you also have the feeling of being a little more "green". When the customers ask for ebooks there is less demand for paper books and consquently less enviromantal destruction.

Finally, ebook readers offer a number of features that make reading even more enjoyable. You can easily share the progress of your reading, see other readers' opinions on what you 're reading, share extracts with friends etc. When you 're reading a great book, don't you always want to tell your friends about it? Discuss it with other readers? Ebooks make this easier. As soon as you start reading you can feel part of a worldwide group of readers and share your feelings and experience right away.

There is strong advocacy on the other side too and I am not saying that I'd like paper books to dissapear. However, now that I saw the other side what I can say is... don't knock it till you try it!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

That's the way you do it!

The news:
Google Ventures Launches $10,000 Startup Referral Program For Employees

Well... you know what they say. Never do something that you can get someone else to do it for you!

Google changed it a bit. When someone's doing something we'd like to do... we buy them! Now their employees get in the game too! Find us something interesting to buy and win 10000$! Sounds more like a new gambling game but... it is now an official (nevertheless clever) policy!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Social sites and human rights.

Blog - SXSW: Building Human Rights Into Social Sites
My view:
Social sites today are extending our classic social interactions. Being able to communicate so easy your ideas is both a blessing and a curse. However, I think that having a larger, universal audience that can criticize or support you can be a filter that you can't just ignore. Having social sites interfering in any way with this kind of freedom of speech would be a huge mistake!
They just have to provide the appropriate technology and defend the freedom of their members from any threats.


This blog is all about technology news that get my attention and I just want to write about them.
So simple!