Monday, April 4, 2011

Whould you give your work away for free online?

Should you give your work away for free online? - TNW Media

I have to admit it. I'm still indecisive about this question. As a consumer of books, music, movies and generally art I whould dream the day when everything was for free! I know you all want it. Not having to pay for buing your favorite artists' albums, not having to pay to read your favorite books and so on. Not to mention, that in a world where art is free, people will be educated much better and without the financial barrier. And this kind of education is so necessary in our days.

On the other hand... thinking as a software programmer and also getting in the artists's shoes I can see the problem. How whould they survive if they don't gain anything from their art. I'm not talking for the hobbyist's but for professional writers, professional musicians, professional directors, actors and so on. How whould they live if we don't pay them. At the end of the day, apart from the good critics and the public opinion about their work this is also an additional incentive for them. Not to mention that many of them depend financialy on it. Why whould a professional artist continue to produce art if s/he can't have some kind of income from it. Advertising within their art (we 've already seen it on video clips, movies etc.) is an answer to that but... what if they depend solely on that advertising? Whouldn't that compromise their product?

I don't have a definte answer on these questions. I just wanted to shere them witho you. However, I welcome whoever offers their work for free and I admire them!

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